Loyalty Program

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Discover the Benefits of Our Loyalty Program

Join our loyalty program and unlock a world of exclusive rewards. Earn points with every purchase, enjoy personalized discounts, and access special offers tailored just for you. Your loyalty deserves to be rewarded!

Did you know?

In addition to our loyalty program, we also have a referral program that gives you the chance to earn free products, discounts, and plenty of opportunities to save big! 🎉💸 Share the love with your friends and enjoy exclusive rewards—it’s a win-win for everyone! 🛒✨

Start maximizing your savings today and make the most out of every interaction with us! 😊

Glossary of abbreviations:
Order Date refers to the date when the order was placed.
Transaction Date indicates the date when the transaction was processed.
Order ID is a unique identifier for each order.
Reason provides the justification or explanation for the transaction.
Type indicates the type of transaction, such as “Wave” or “Level Wave.”
Status describes the current status of the transaction, such as “earned,” “spent,” or “redeemed.”
Waves represent the number of points earned or spent in a transaction.
LWave stands for Level Wave points, which track progress toward the next loyalty level.
WBB (Wave Balance Before) shows the number of points before the transaction.
WBA (Wave Balance After) displays the points after the transaction.
LWBB (Level Wave Balance Before) indicates the level wave points before the transaction.
LWBA (Level Wave Balance After) shows the level wave points after the transaction.
WPE (Waves Per Euro) refers to the rate of waves earned per euro spent.